Own business: book typography
Creating your own book printing house is a very difficult undertaking that requires a lot of money and effort from an entrepreneur. However, there are prospects for such a business,…

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Own restaurant in a small town: advantages and disadvantages
Open restaurant - the dream of many. But what about those who live far from megacities? Is it worth starting a business in a small town and how to make…

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Business plan
1. Summary of the project The goal of the project is to open an outdoor mini-track circuit with a length of 300 meters in a city with a population of…


Sam Walton's Business Rules
In any sphere of human life there are people whom I want to admire. To admire what will to win they have and how they can achieve their goals, no…

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Your business: how to open a summer cafe
Summer cafe is one of the most profitable types of seasonal business. Initial investments amount to about 600 thousand rubles - they can be recouped in 2-3 months and earn…


sofas designed

How to open a bar: step by step instructions

Do you dream to open your bar? We offer you a step-by-step guide to achieving a dream that can bring 4 million profit in a year.

Step 1. Evaluate the market and the idea
The initial stage for any business idea should be its assessment. Ask yourself questions: is it in demand by the market? What is the level of competition? Why do you need to build a business in this direction? Continue reading

Slippery business: how to make money on soap making
On the production of handmade soap, you can create a business. To start you need a minimum of skills and investments in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. This is…


Own business: production and sale of non-standard bow-ties
A bow tie is a small men's accessory on which you can earn a lot if you show a little imagination. In this article we will talk about the business…


Your business: how to open an ice cream parlor from scratch
According to statistics, in Russia, each person eats about 7 kg of ice cream per year, and 57% of Russians are regular consumers of this delicacy. Indicator promising. On the…
