10 fatal mistakes of entrepreneurs
Those who believe that in business the most important thing is to start, and then everything goes on by itself - they are deeply mistaken. Many businessmen are forced to…

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How does the company Valve - game developer
Valve Corporation is a company that has created legendary games like Half-Life, Counter Strike, Dota 2, Portal, and others. The company was created by Gabe Newell, whose biography also includes…

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What is crowdfunding
Crowdfunding (popular funding, from the English. Crowd funding, Crowd - "crowd", funding - "funding") - is the collective cooperation of people (donors) who voluntarily pool their money or other resources…


Sam Walton's Business Rules
In any sphere of human life there are people whom I want to admire. To admire what will to win they have and how they can achieve their goals, no…

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Autumn business
Autumn is the time to start a business. Therefore, you will need 12 profitable autumn ideas: for any budget and with a detailed guide to the launch. Work has no…


does not require

Business plan

1. Summary of the project
The goal of the project is to open an outdoor mini-track circuit with a length of 300 meters in a city with a population of 500 thousand people. The track circuit will be open on the empty asphalt site of one of the city parks and will work in the warm season, focusing on customers of attractions located in the neighborhood. Continue reading

Business plan of the low-cost price segment sports hall

The goal of the project is the organization of a low-cost price segment in Moscow, Yuzhnoye Chertanovo metro station. The project has both a commercial and a social component, providing affordable youth leisure activities. The gym is located on a rented area, in the basement of a residential building. Target audience – young people (men) aged 15-35 with low and middle income who are interested in sports. Continue reading

Own business: production and sale of non-standard bow-ties

A bow tie is a small men’s accessory on which you can earn a lot if you show a little imagination. In this article we will talk about the business of butterflies made of wood, shells, beads and fur.

Creative business opens up unlimited spaces for imagination. Even such a simple accessory as a bow tie can be the beginning of a successful and original business. This is proven by the startup Stedbee, who recently released a line of designer bow ties made from sea shells. Unusual men’s accessories are announced quite often, rapidly gaining popularity, and then just as rapidly lose it. Continue reading

Great advertising campaigns in world history
Advertising is an important part of any business. We all deal in one way or another with advertising, someone as creators, someone as consumers. Now, in the modern world, advertising…


Decorative business: how to make money on candlelight
In the production of decorative candles, you can create a home business. To start you need a minimum of skills and the amount of up to 10 thousand rubles. This…


Own business: book typography
Creating your own book printing house is a very difficult undertaking that requires a lot of money and effort from an entrepreneur. However, there are prospects for such a business,…
