Business in Slovenia
Slovenia - a country with one of the most advantageous locations in Central Europe, has access to the Adriatic Sea, and borders with countries such as Italy, Austria, Croatia and…

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What is networking
Man is a social being. And that means social connections play a big role in our life. Many useful acquaintances can solve almost any problem in a person's life -…

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Your business: how to open an ice cream parlor from scratch
According to statistics, in Russia, each person eats about 7 kg of ice cream per year, and 57% of Russians are regular consumers of this delicacy. Indicator promising. On the…


10 lessons from Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is one of the key figures in the IT field. This truly great entrepreneur can serve as a clear example for all of how you can achieve unprecedented…

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What is crowdfunding
Crowdfunding (popular funding, from the English. Crowd funding, Crowd - "crowd", funding - "funding") - is the collective cooperation of people (donors) who voluntarily pool their money or other resources…


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Ready-made guides and business plans

In this compilation, we have combined practical guides and ideas for women’s business in small formats and with minimal investment, starting with the types of activities that can be opened at home.

As a rule, women are interested in a business that meets one or several criteria from the set “beautiful, simple, profitable and for the soul”. In this compilation, we have compiled guides on the most common types of women’s business, and also included several ideas that have become popular in recent years. Continue reading

Creative business: making handmade toys

Production and sale of products for children is considered one of the most profitable areas for their own business. Nevertheless, if you plan to do this “production” at home and on your own, then you should take into account a few basic nuances.

Features of making handmade toys
You will be able to start your own business with minimal investment and risk (in the worst case, if your business “does not go”, you simply close the PI, and donate unsold toys to friends and family). Continue reading

10 lessons from Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is one of the key figures in the IT field. This truly great entrepreneur can serve as a clear example for all of how you can achieve unprecedented…


How to make money on street ice cream
Ice cream is one of the most favorite delicacies. It is especially popular in the warm season. Therefore, selling ice cream on the street is one of the most profitable…


Own business: publication of guidebooks
Today, any tourist can easily find a suitable guide to the country in which he decided to go, and he is offered a choice of a huge number of publications,…
