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Own restaurant in a small town: advantages and disadvantages

Open restaurant – the dream of many. But what about those who live far from megacities? Is it worth starting a business in a small town and how to make the institution enjoy success with the population?

Residents of small cities have different opportunities for the development of their own business. Here costs are lower, competition is weaker and the organization of many business processes is simpler. Now, even in a small town, you can find a way to earn decent money in almost any area. In this article we will try to figure out how to open a restaurant in a small town. What are the specifics? What should be considered when opening and is it profitable to open a restaurant in a small town?

The procedure for opening a restaurant is the same for all occasions, no matter where it is located.

However, in order to open a restaurant in a small town, you need to take into account some of the nuances. These features can significantly affect the success of your business.

The specificity of catering in small cities can be presented as an assessment of the pros and cons of their location. So we will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project, pay attention to important nuances to avoid mistakes.

Own restaurant in a small town: advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of opening a restaurant in a small town:
1. Low competition
Competition in small cities is much weaker than in large metropolitan areas. And it’s not just the number of establishments, but also the level of professionalism of restaurateurs. It is necessary to recognize this pattern: service in cafes in small towns is worse, cuisine is simpler, concepts are limited.

If you are a newcomer to the restaurant business, then in a less competitive environment you will have more chances to succeed. Based on economic considerations, opening an institution in a small town is less risky: you do not have to spend money on rent and a powerful advertising campaign.

2. Less demanding guests
Since competition in small towns is low, visitors to local establishments are less demanding. How can you generate high expectations from a cafe, if most of the local population simply has nothing to compare it with?

This allows restaurateurs to save on some articles and opens up a huge number of opportunities for capturing the location of visitors. After all, if you exceed the expectations of the guests, you will get regular customers.

And yet do not underestimate their guests. Even in the smallest cities for visitors, a necessary condition for regular visits to cafes is delicious food at affordable money.

3. A smaller amount of investment in the opening
Opening a cafe in a small town, you will save on almost all items of expenditure. It will be cheaper to rent a room – and, by the way, it is easier to find a suitable room with a convenient location in the center. Since occupancy rates are lower, less furniture, equipment and staff are required for work.

As a rule, the optimal number of seats in small towns is 50 places.

In total, it turns out that it is much cheaper to open an institution in a small town. If in the megalopolis you can barely meet 2 million rubles, then here you can safely start with 500 thousand rubles in your pocket.

4. Big effect of word of mouth
No matter how many advertising methods appear, better word of mouth has not yet been invented. And this tool works especially well in the restaurant business. In small towns, the dissemination of information through the word of mouth is much more effective, because everyone here knows everything about each other. The opinion of a friend is trusted more than a catchy advertising sign. Another plus of “word of mouth” is that you do not have to spend money on advertising, it happens as a natural process. But to make it work for you, you need to provide the main condition – a decent level of the institution, which will be something to tell. Because “word of mouth” can just as easily destroy the reputation of the institution, if something goes wrong. Therefore, you should keep the bar. It is often possible to observe how, six months after opening, the restaurant begins to raise prices, neglect the freshness of dishes, reduce the quality of service due to staff turnover, etc. You should be a good restaurant, not a role.

And what will make visitors tell about you? Firstly, for a small town, the opening of a new institution is already an event that can be discussed. Secondly, tasty and unusual dishes on the menu will also be an occasion. Thirdly, a person can recommend your establishment if you offer tasty food at affordable prices.

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