10 fatal mistakes of entrepreneurs
Those who believe that in business the most important thing is to start, and then everything goes on by itself - they are deeply mistaken. Many businessmen are forced to…

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Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, one cannot but admit that this company is truly revolutionary in its…

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Own business: publication of guidebooks
Today, any tourist can easily find a suitable guide to the country in which he decided to go, and he is offered a choice of a huge number of publications,…


10 Apple Presentation Secrets
Apple is a brand that does not need a special introduction. They achieved overwhelming success not only because of their high-quality products, but also with their presentations. After all, it…

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Pacific Course: New Alternative to Old Offshore
In 2017, the classic offshore companies that offer the possibility of full tax exemption (British Virgin Islands, Belize, Panama, Nevis, etc.) became unattractive for Russians because of the steady loss…


small kiosk-wagon

How to make money on street ice cream

Ice cream is one of the most favorite delicacies. It is especially popular in the warm season. Therefore, selling ice cream on the street is one of the most profitable types of business. In the summer, sales of ice cream increase several times, and the margin is more than 100%. Start a business based on street trading, you can with minimal investment. All that is required is a frosty chest, mounted on a trolley, and a sun umbrella. Continue reading

Your business: how to open a summer cafe

Summer cafe is one of the most profitable types of seasonal business. Initial investments amount to about 600 thousand rubles – they can be recouped in 2-3 months and earn up to 2 million net profit per season.

The entertainment industry is actively developing every year. Food culture is growing outside the home. Especially high demand is observed in the warm season. Continue reading

Your business: how to open a roadside café-fastfood
The Russian catering market is saturated, and the competition for us is merciless. Such tough working conditions force restaurateurs to develop new formats and expand the geography of their business.…


Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, one cannot but admit that this company is truly revolutionary in its…


Business in England
In England, you can start quickly making good money. Until the 1970s, small business in England was very poorly developed, since it was not considered prestigious. But then the state…
