What is crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing (eng. Crowdsourcing, crowd - “crowd” and sourcing - “use of resources”) - engaging a wide range of people in solving various problems of innovative production activities to use their…

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How to make money on street ice cream
Ice cream is one of the most favorite delicacies. It is especially popular in the warm season. Therefore, selling ice cream on the street is one of the most profitable…

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Own business: publication of guidebooks
Today, any tourist can easily find a suitable guide to the country in which he decided to go, and he is offered a choice of a huge number of publications,…


Business plan antikafe
To open your antikafe, you will have enough start-up capital in the amount of 343 thousand rubles, which can be recouped after six months of work. The net profit of…

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Your business: how to open an ice cream parlor from scratch
According to statistics, in Russia, each person eats about 7 kg of ice cream per year, and 57% of Russians are regular consumers of this delicacy. Indicator promising. On the…


choice of a profession

Myths about making money

Rich people become such under the influence of many factors. One of the most important criteria for becoming a successful and rich person is the correct perception of money.

It happens that there is both talent, and necessary resources, and organizational skills, but it’s impossible to get what you want. Perhaps the reason is precisely in the wrong attitude to making money. We will try to debunk some of the most common myths about money. Continue reading

Business in Slovenia
Slovenia - a country with one of the most advantageous locations in Central Europe, has access to the Adriatic Sea, and borders with countries such as Italy, Austria, Croatia and…


10 Apple Presentation Secrets
Apple is a brand that does not need a special introduction. They achieved overwhelming success not only because of their high-quality products, but also with their presentations. After all, it…


Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, one cannot but admit that this company is truly revolutionary in its…
