Own restaurant in a small town: advantages and disadvantages
Open restaurant - the dream of many. But what about those who live far from megacities? Is it worth starting a business in a small town and how to make…

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What is crowdfunding
Crowdfunding (popular funding, from the English. Crowd funding, Crowd - "crowd", funding - "funding") - is the collective cooperation of people (donors) who voluntarily pool their money or other resources…

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Business plan of the restaurant Chinese cuisine
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The goal of the project is to open a Chinese restaurant to implement a range of catering services in a city with a population of over 1…


Business under sanctions
Sanctions. Someone sees this phenomenon as extremely negative, but is it really that bad? Food sanctions, that is, a ban on the import of certain goods from abroad, have caused…

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Decorative business: how to make money on candlelight
In the production of decorative candles, you can create a home business. To start you need a minimum of skills and the amount of up to 10 thousand rubles. This…


service depends

Autumn business

Autumn is the time to start a business. Therefore, you will need 12 profitable autumn ideas: for any budget and with a detailed guide to the launch.

Work has no bad weather, which means that it is possible to conduct profitable activities at any time of the year. It’s time to think about what business is profitable to open in the fall. We have collected in article 12 of the most profitable ideas for small businesses that will help you earn in the autumn. Continue reading

Your business: how to open a burger from scratch
The fast food market adds 5–8% annually and is not going to slow down. In this article, we will look at how to open such a trend type of business…


Pacific Course: New Alternative to Old Offshore
In 2017, the classic offshore companies that offer the possibility of full tax exemption (British Virgin Islands, Belize, Panama, Nevis, etc.) became unattractive for Russians because of the steady loss…


What is networking
Man is a social being. And that means social connections play a big role in our life. Many useful acquaintances can solve almost any problem in a person's life -…
