Business in Slovenia
Slovenia - a country with one of the most advantageous locations in Central Europe, has access to the Adriatic Sea, and borders with countries such as Italy, Austria, Croatia and…

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Business in france
We continue our series of articles about starting a business in different countries of the world. This time we will tell you how to start a business in France. Definitely,…

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Own restaurant in a small town: advantages and disadvantages
Open restaurant - the dream of many. But what about those who live far from megacities? Is it worth starting a business in a small town and how to make…


10 lessons from Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is one of the key figures in the IT field. This truly great entrepreneur can serve as a clear example for all of how you can achieve unprecedented…

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Your business: how to open a summer cafe
Summer cafe is one of the most profitable types of seasonal business. Initial investments amount to about 600 thousand rubles - they can be recouped in 2-3 months and earn…


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What is crowdfunding

Crowdfunding (popular funding, from the English. Crowd funding, Crowd – “crowd”, funding – “funding”) – is the collective cooperation of people (donors) who voluntarily pool their money or other resources together, usually via the Internet, to support efforts other people or organizations (recipients).

What personality traits distinguish a person-entrepreneur from a person who does not have such abilities? It is not the availability of funds to start and run a business. Continue reading

What is networking

Man is a social being. And that means social connections play a big role in our life. Many useful acquaintances can solve almost any problem in a person’s life – from finding a child in a good school to getting a high position. And if you immediately thought that this article will go about working on the Internet (and you could think so, because net is a network, and work is work), then you are mistaken – it will be a question of building useful business (and not only) links. Continue reading

Brands that have become nominal
If the brand name has become a household name, this phenomenon can have both positive sides for the company and negative ones. On the one hand, consumers are beginning to…


What is crowdfunding
Crowdfunding (popular funding, from the English. Crowd funding, Crowd - "crowd", funding - "funding") - is the collective cooperation of people (donors) who voluntarily pool their money or other resources…


Your business: how to open an ice cream parlor from scratch
According to statistics, in Russia, each person eats about 7 kg of ice cream per year, and 57% of Russians are regular consumers of this delicacy. Indicator promising. On the…
