Business plan antikafe
To open your antikafe, you will have enough start-up capital in the amount of 343 thousand rubles, which can be recouped after six months of work. The net profit of…

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Your business: how to open a burger from scratch
The fast food market adds 5–8% annually and is not going to slow down. In this article, we will look at how to open such a trend type of business…

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Original ad on magazine spreads
One of the most popular and sought-after ads is press advertising. As you know, the most profitable placement of information about a product or service is on the first and…


Business plan of the low-cost price segment sports hall
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The goal of the project is the organization of a low-cost price segment in Moscow, Yuzhnoye Chertanovo metro station. The project has both a commercial and a…

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Ready-made guides and business plans
In this compilation, we have combined practical guides and ideas for women's business in small formats and with minimal investment, starting with the types of activities that can be opened…


process took place

Great advertising campaigns in world history

Advertising is an important part of any business. We all deal in one way or another with advertising, someone as creators, someone as consumers. Now, in the modern world, advertising has become a special kind of art. She surprises, admires, shocks. Among the examples of advertising are found both masterpieces and absolute absurdities. Continue reading

Unusual hiring procedures
The standard procedure for hiring is to interview a candidate, sometimes taking place in several stages. Often, testing or other methods of identifying the level of knowledge and skills of…


Business ideas that changed the world
There are a lot of ideas for creating your business - as they say, for every taste and color. Now so much has been invented that it is very difficult…


Great advertising campaigns in world history
Advertising is an important part of any business. We all deal in one way or another with advertising, someone as creators, someone as consumers. Now, in the modern world, advertising…
