Pacific Course: New Alternative to Old Offshore
In 2017, the classic offshore companies that offer the possibility of full tax exemption (British Virgin Islands, Belize, Panama, Nevis, etc.) became unattractive for Russians because of the steady loss…

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Business in England
In England, you can start quickly making good money. Until the 1970s, small business in England was very poorly developed, since it was not considered prestigious. But then the state…

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Business in England
In England, you can start quickly making good money. Until the 1970s, small business in England was very poorly developed, since it was not considered prestigious. But then the state…


Business in England
In England, you can start quickly making good money. Until the 1970s, small business in England was very poorly developed, since it was not considered prestigious. But then the state…

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Own restaurant in a small town: advantages and disadvantages
Open restaurant - the dream of many. But what about those who live far from megacities? Is it worth starting a business in a small town and how to make…



Own business: book typography

Creating your own book printing house is a very difficult undertaking that requires a lot of money and effort from an entrepreneur. However, there are prospects for such a business, and although at present there are a considerable number of publications that will act as serious competitors to a budding entrepreneur, this does not mean that there is no chance to take some market share. Continue reading

Own business: publication of guidebooks

Today, any tourist can easily find a suitable guide to the country in which he decided to go, and he is offered a choice of a huge number of publications, each of which has its own view of the tourist walk of the buyer, gives his advice and, usually, is very useful . There are, of course, bad copies that have no value for the consumer, but this is more a rarity than a pattern. But only if we are talking about foreign publications, but not about Russian ones. It is rather difficult to find a good Russian travel guide, in connection with which many tourists use English publications (or rather, printed in English), because the language level allows, and the quality of writing a guide is many times better. Continue reading

What is networking
Man is a social being. And that means social connections play a big role in our life. Many useful acquaintances can solve almost any problem in a person's life -…


Sam Walton's Business Rules
In any sphere of human life there are people whom I want to admire. To admire what will to win they have and how they can achieve their goals, no…


Business plan
1. Summary of the project The goal of the project is to open an outdoor mini-track circuit with a length of 300 meters in a city with a population of…
