Original ad on magazine spreads
One of the most popular and sought-after ads is press advertising. As you know, the most profitable placement of information about a product or service is on the first and…

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How does the company Valve - game developer
Valve Corporation is a company that has created legendary games like Half-Life, Counter Strike, Dota 2, Portal, and others. The company was created by Gabe Newell, whose biography also includes…

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Creative business: making handmade toys
Production and sale of products for children is considered one of the most profitable areas for their own business. Nevertheless, if you plan to do this “production” at home and…


Slippery business: how to make money on soap making
On the production of handmade soap, you can create a business. To start you need a minimum of skills and investments in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. This is…

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Your business: how to open a summer cafe
Summer cafe is one of the most profitable types of seasonal business. Initial investments amount to about 600 thousand rubles - they can be recouped in 2-3 months and earn…


restaurants all over

How great brands appeared

Speaking now about world-famous companies and brands, it is sometimes difficult to imagine that their founders were once inexperienced start-up entrepreneurs, global trading networks started from a single small shop, and large-scale production – from small “home” factories. However, the great businessmen of our time were once also young startups that nobody knew. Continue reading

What is networking
Man is a social being. And that means social connections play a big role in our life. Many useful acquaintances can solve almost any problem in a person's life -…


Business ideas that changed the world
There are a lot of ideas for creating your business - as they say, for every taste and color. Now so much has been invented that it is very difficult…


How they work at British American Tobacco
British American Tobacco was founded in 1902. Since then, everything has been in the history of the tobacco corporation - and ups and downs. As befits any large business. Now…
