Own business: book typography
Creating your own book printing house is a very difficult undertaking that requires a lot of money and effort from an entrepreneur. However, there are prospects for such a business,…

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Brands that have become nominal
If the brand name has become a household name, this phenomenon can have both positive sides for the company and negative ones. On the one hand, consumers are beginning to…

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How to open a bar: step by step instructions
Do you dream to open your bar? We offer you a step-by-step guide to achieving a dream that can bring 4 million profit in a year. Step 1. Evaluate the…


Creative business: making handmade toys
Production and sale of products for children is considered one of the most profitable areas for their own business. Nevertheless, if you plan to do this “production” at home and…

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Decorative business: how to make money on candlelight
In the production of decorative candles, you can create a home business. To start you need a minimum of skills and the amount of up to 10 thousand rubles. This…



Business in Slovenia

Slovenia – a country with one of the most advantageous locations in Central Europe, has access to the Adriatic Sea, and borders with countries such as Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary. Slovenia is a member of the European Union, the Schengen Agreement, and a member of NATO. Slovenia is a country with a steadily developing economy and a high level of security. Slovenia is in the top twenty countries according to Forbes magazine in the “best country to do business” category. Continue reading

Business in Slovenia
Slovenia - a country with one of the most advantageous locations in Central Europe, has access to the Adriatic Sea, and borders with countries such as Italy, Austria, Croatia and…


What is crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing (eng. Crowdsourcing, crowd - “crowd” and sourcing - “use of resources”) - engaging a wide range of people in solving various problems of innovative production activities to use their…


How does the company Valve - game developer
Valve Corporation is a company that has created legendary games like Half-Life, Counter Strike, Dota 2, Portal, and others. The company was created by Gabe Newell, whose biography also includes…
