Sushi Bar Business Plan
A sushi market that sells sushi for takeaway, can bring a net profit of more than 350 thousand rubles. per month. In this business plan, we will look at how…

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What is crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing (eng. Crowdsourcing, crowd - “crowd” and sourcing - “use of resources”) - engaging a wide range of people in solving various problems of innovative production activities to use their…

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Business plan of the low-cost price segment sports hall
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The goal of the project is the organization of a low-cost price segment in Moscow, Yuzhnoye Chertanovo metro station. The project has both a commercial and a…


What is networking
Man is a social being. And that means social connections play a big role in our life. Many useful acquaintances can solve almost any problem in a person's life -…

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Yoga Studio Business Plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose of this business plan is to open a yoga studio in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The project will be implemented from scratch, which implies registration…


change the situation

Freelance: pros and cons

The modern labor market offers applicants a variety of job options and the conditions under which they can carry out their professional activities. Not so long ago, the word “freelance” appeared in our vocabulary, and it means the work outside the state of any company. A freelancer can participate in several projects simultaneously or work for several companies without being a full-time employee of any of them. Continue reading

How they work at British American Tobacco
British American Tobacco was founded in 1902. Since then, everything has been in the history of the tobacco corporation - and ups and downs. As befits any large business. Now…


Slippery business: how to make money on soap making
On the production of handmade soap, you can create a business. To start you need a minimum of skills and investments in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. This is…


Own business: book typography
Creating your own book printing house is a very difficult undertaking that requires a lot of money and effort from an entrepreneur. However, there are prospects for such a business,…
