Sam Walton's Business Rules
In any sphere of human life there are people whom I want to admire. To admire what will to win they have and how they can achieve their goals, no…

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Own business: production and sale of non-standard bow-ties
A bow tie is a small men's accessory on which you can earn a lot if you show a little imagination. In this article we will talk about the business…

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Ready-made guides and business plans
In this compilation, we have combined practical guides and ideas for women's business in small formats and with minimal investment, starting with the types of activities that can be opened…


Mini golf course business plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY This project considers the opening of a mini-golf court on 18 game tracks in a city with a population of over 1 million people. The club will…

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Slippery business: how to make money on soap making
On the production of handmade soap, you can create a business. To start you need a minimum of skills and investments in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. This is…


lives by email

What is networking

Man is a social being. And that means social connections play a big role in our life. Many useful acquaintances can solve almost any problem in a person’s life – from finding a child in a good school to getting a high position. And if you immediately thought that this article will go about working on the Internet (and you could think so, because net is a network, and work is work), then you are mistaken – it will be a question of building useful business (and not only) links. Continue reading

Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, one cannot but admit that this company is truly revolutionary in its…


Own business: book typography
Creating your own book printing house is a very difficult undertaking that requires a lot of money and effort from an entrepreneur. However, there are prospects for such a business,…


Original ad on magazine spreads
One of the most popular and sought-after ads is press advertising. As you know, the most profitable placement of information about a product or service is on the first and…
