Unusual hiring procedures
The standard procedure for hiring is to interview a candidate, sometimes taking place in several stages. Often, testing or other methods of identifying the level of knowledge and skills of…

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Freelance: pros and cons
The modern labor market offers applicants a variety of job options and the conditions under which they can carry out their professional activities. Not so long ago, the word “freelance”…

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Mini golf course business plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY This project considers the opening of a mini-golf court on 18 game tracks in a city with a population of over 1 million people. The club will…


Your business: how to open an ice cream parlor from scratch
According to statistics, in Russia, each person eats about 7 kg of ice cream per year, and 57% of Russians are regular consumers of this delicacy. Indicator promising. On the…

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Autumn business
Autumn is the time to start a business. Therefore, you will need 12 profitable autumn ideas: for any budget and with a detailed guide to the launch. Work has no…


long sentences

10 Apple Presentation Secrets

Apple is a brand that does not need a special introduction. They achieved overwhelming success not only because of their high-quality products, but also with their presentations.

After all, it is important not only to create something truly valuable, but also to be able to present it in such a way that everyone wants to have it. In this field, Apple simply has no equal. Continue reading

Snow tubing business plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY This business plan describes a project for opening a snow tubing route - a popular winter entertainment, which consists of riding a tub (in the people -…


What is crowdfunding
Crowdfunding (popular funding, from the English. Crowd funding, Crowd - "crowd", funding - "funding") - is the collective cooperation of people (donors) who voluntarily pool their money or other resources…


Business plan antikafe
To open your antikafe, you will have enough start-up capital in the amount of 343 thousand rubles, which can be recouped after six months of work. The net profit of…
