Snow tubing business plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY This business plan describes a project for opening a snow tubing route - a popular winter entertainment, which consists of riding a tub (in the people -…

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How to open a bar: step by step instructions
Do you dream to open your bar? We offer you a step-by-step guide to achieving a dream that can bring 4 million profit in a year. Step 1. Evaluate the…

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Business in Slovenia
Slovenia - a country with one of the most advantageous locations in Central Europe, has access to the Adriatic Sea, and borders with countries such as Italy, Austria, Croatia and…


What is crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing (eng. Crowdsourcing, crowd - “crowd” and sourcing - “use of resources”) - engaging a wide range of people in solving various problems of innovative production activities to use their…

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Sushi Bar Business Plan
A sushi market that sells sushi for takeaway, can bring a net profit of more than 350 thousand rubles. per month. In this business plan, we will look at how…


representative office

Business in france

We continue our series of articles about starting a business in different countries of the world. This time we will tell you how to start a business in France. Definitely, this is one of the most attractive and promising countries in Europe. France has long been part of the European Union and the United Nations, is a highly developed industrial country, and its economic indicators are among the best in Europe. Continue reading

Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, one cannot but admit that this company is truly revolutionary in its…


Snow tubing business plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY This business plan describes a project for opening a snow tubing route - a popular winter entertainment, which consists of riding a tub (in the people -…


How they work at British American Tobacco
British American Tobacco was founded in 1902. Since then, everything has been in the history of the tobacco corporation - and ups and downs. As befits any large business. Now…
